What does your path ahead look like?Learn law (not legal) - the true, old law that still applies; learn to express your law, stand in honor and remove controversy - for the benefit of you, your family and your community. Learn Law Common To i here.
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JENNA D SCOTT discovered a passion for creating vehicles within which legacies are preserved during the lockdowns of 2020 and the overflow madness of 2021. She discovered an unwavering commitment to an ancient calling to ensure the people have access to proper estate planning and asset protection strategies. In her off-time, she practices Bikram yoga, which helps her cultivate a steely determination to not cave under heat and pressure. A stubborn advocate of conservation and preservation of nature and wild spaces, she is a person driven to protect a beautiful environment for the benefit of our beneficiaries - our posterity. Securing property - land and other assets --one family at a time is her means to accomplish this. |